2013 Summer Reading T-Shirt Design Contest

Stevens County Library Summer Reading T-Shirt Design Contest Open to ages 10-18

Over 300 kids could be wearing YOUR design!

The 2013 Theme is: Dirt, Rocks, and Underground. Designs should bring one or more of these ideas to mind

1.     Designs must be black on white line drawings.

2.     Designs must be drawn by hand. No computer-generated designs will be accepted.

3.     Designs must be appropriate for children AND must represent the  theme. (Participants may  be asked by library staff to edit their designs prior to the voting process.)

4.     Participants must write their name on the back of their artwork.

5.     Entries are due by February 22, 2013. Voting will begin March 1.

6.     Each participant may enter up to 2 designs.

7.     Library staff will select only ONE design from each participant to enter  in the final contest.

8.     Local children, tweens, & teens will vote for their favorite design.

9.    The design with the most votes will be featured on the 2013 Summer Reading T-Shirts!

10. To get started, contact Stacey at the Stevens County Library 544-2301  or email stacey@stevenscountylibrary.com.

2012 Designs by Alondra Loya (left) and Brianna Kay Bucher and Kiara Granados (right)