National Library Week 2020

This week, the Stevens County Library invites all community members to find the library at their place by visiting the website to access virtual services and resources. While the library’s physical spaces may be temporarily closed due to COVID-19, the public can discover ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, genealogical resources, online storytimes and much more—all from home!   In times of crisis, libraries respond to their community’s needs in innovative and inspiring ways. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, libraries of all types are continuing to make a difference in people’s lives by providing electronic learning resources, including virtual homework help, online crafting

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The Stevens County Library will close at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17 and remain closed until further notice. All meetings scheduled for the meeting room are cancelled through May 9th. Patrons may leave a message at 620.544.2301 or contact library staff via our Facebook page seven days a week at In making the announcement, Library Director Eunice Schroeder said, “Based on recommendations from the KDHE, and because our number one priority is protecting the health of the library staff and the public, the most effective way to achieve that at this time is to close the library.” After

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