Making Waves by Randi Reisfield and H.B. Gilmour

Making Waves by Randi Reisfield and H.B. Gilmour

This review was submitted by Karina Rodriguez, Summer Reading Participant

making waves










Making Waves

Find this book: JF Candy Apple

Tell us about the book:

Emily, Jenna, and LF have been best friends forever. Then when a  new girl comes, Aubrey, they become her friend too! But, when Aubrey starts leaving early and not showing up at [sic] time, they think something is going on. They want to know what it is before school starts!

What is your favorite part?

My favorite part of the book is when Aubrey finally tells Emily, Jenna, and L.J. her secret and why she has been leaving early and not showing up at [sic] time!

Give a recommendation:

If you like going to the pool or the lake with your friends, you will love this book because that’s what the girls in this book do!

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